Tuesday 7 January 2014

British Gas Insurance Part 2: It's The Hope That Destroys You!

The grim farrago of indifference and incompetence continues. Here's an update for readers everywhere. Please feel free to copy and share. Here's the transcript of an email sent today. Enjoy!

Dear Sirs,

Here's a link to a recent "Boxing Day Blog" in which I take a largely entertaining and light heated side-swipe at your organisations capacity to do anything at agreed times and dates.

In a continued and it would appear continuing, display of organisational ineptitude appointments have been made, cancelled only for people who weren't expected to turn up when they shouldn't be there. To your credit, you have achieved almost perfect symmetry in ensuring that "yan is yinned" because tomorrow (the 8th of January) people who were supposed to turn up have told us that they wont. I wonder if you could find another customer with whom you might continue to balance the Universe? This one is massively hacked off and here's why.

·         Dec 9th-Shower fuse blows: it is clear to anyone that this is a seriously burnt out fuse.
·         We sent for someone and the first in a string of broken appointments is made. We have no doubt that the job was a priority for you because your engineer turned up on Friday the 13th (We should have known) and at mid-day told us that he had to turn off the electricity and this is what he did. He also stated that an engineer who possessed powers in excess of his would arrive later that day and do what was necessary to restore our supply.
·         It became dark-that's December for you-and in a bizarre combination of aerobic training and begging I took the contents of our freezer to a nearby restaurant for safe-keeping.
·         After a few hours one of your more senior wizards arrived. He was clearly a red-hot graduate of Hogwarts and with not some much as a Snape-like curled lip pronounced that he (yes he!) could turn on the power, power that shouldn't have been turned off in the first place.
·         Other appointments were broken and more wizards came. The decision was made: "An isolation switch must be fitted, then the power (and the shower) might be restored following the installation of a new fuse box-something that couldn't be done without said isolator. This would not happen until 2/1/14
·         We were advised (1/1/14) that the appointment made for the 2nd was no longer possible-very busy-and that it would happen on another date.
·         On the 2nd, an engineer who shouldn't have been here turned up and fitted an isolator switch that existed only in an uncertain future,
·         We were advised that another engineer would arrive tomorrow (8/1/14) and yes: fit the fuse box.
·         We phoned tonight and have been told that this too is a fable and that we must, tomorrow, phone other people "The Really Difficult Work" (Long Duration) team or something like that: I fear that they too will join in the casual "Make and Break Appointments and Damn the Customer” approach that infests your organisation.
·         In between the above bullets we have spoken with a member of your Customer Services team. Now I have to advise you of this. Either it is that calls to this office are being intercepted by a malevolent force or it is a requirement that to in order to qualify for the simple post of answering a phone, evidence of post-doctoral research in Oily Patronage is a an Essential Requirement on the Person Specification. I don't, under any circumstances expect to be told by a C.S rep that there are "people worse off than me..." (couched)
To date you have been a disgrace. We have been without a shower since 9/12/13, there is no bath and whereas life is not impossible, it's certainly not what we signed up for. I'm a self-employed person: diaries have been changed, appointments re-arranged and schedules interrupted and this lamentable approach continues.
What are you going to do about it?

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